Digital Pedagogy

The Teaching Commons gateway, run by Yale’s Instructional Technology Group (ITG), provides a brief overview of the cutting-edge digital tools available to faculty members and staff. Visitors can read about the kinds of technologies in which we specialize and request further information from ITG about how to integrate these tools into their course or research project. While most tools are geared toward classroom teaching, such as the very popular WordPress course blogs, others like Ynote and Custom Online Maps focus on collaborative research and data analysis and have a multitude of applications both within and outside the classroom.

commonsFrom the website:

The Yale Digital Teaching Commons is a collection of online teaching tools by Yale’s Instructional Technology Group. These services are available for instructional purposes to all faculty members and teaching support staff in Yale College and the Graduate School of Arts and Science.

About Joseph Yannielli

I study the history of slavery and abolition, with a special focus on the United States, West Africa, and the wider world during the nineteenth century. I began this site as a graduate student in the Department of History at Yale University. I have participated in discussions around the burgeoning field of Digital Humanities, and I use technology to enhance my research and teaching. I have also served as manager and lead developer for a few projects, such as the Yale Slavery and Abolition Portal and RunawayCT.